Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Inertia - The Beauty of Chaotic Indifference

Yesterday was an off day. Yet, for some reason, everything got done that had to get done. The perpetual list of lingering projects, preparations for the summer, and the George Foreman BBQ (btw, Bubba Burgers, yum) were all traversed. The the often underrated emotional tonifying benefits of 'sacking out' were enjoyed.

So, in the end, what's so unexceptable about inertia? I think it's a valuable thing to possess, even cherish. Face it, the world loves to bully us around. All we can do is delay change, we can't deny it. Inertia at least gives us a place to stop the ferris wheel and look around a little. Of course, it's a question of proportion. Too much interia and we become inert. That's no fun. Too little inertia and we're the unabomber with no 'order parameter' to reign ourselves in...

Nonlinear dyamics avoids the subject of inertia, often copping out by using those wonderful psychobabble labels, resistance, boundary conditons and my personal favorite - borderline personality. NDS loves motion, change, flux, etc..Inertia?
What's that? What's ironic is that neutrinos (which still sounds like the name of a breakfast cereal) may be a basic building block of the universe. Maybe the key to like is to find the inertia in us and use it to re-charge our 'batteries' for the next wave of self-organization. Maybe there's a reason for pressing pause...

Driving under a yellow flag, MRF 05.31


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